Environment and nature conservation

Sveaskog has high ambitions to help strengthen biodiversity by using 20% of productive forest land as nature conservation areas in ecoparks, conservation forests and consideration for nature when felling.

Consideration for biodiversity

Sveaskog’s nature conservation objectives include exempting key biotopes and other forests with high conservation values. When felling, consideration for nature is shown by leaving sensitive biotopes, edge zones, tree groups and individual trees untouched.

20% nature conservation area

Sveaskog manages 20% of productive forest land below the montane forest region as nature conservation areas. Three nature conservation tools are used: ecoparks, conservation forests and consideration for nature which is left untouched in the production forests.

FSC in nature conservation efforts

At Sveaskog we comply with the Swedish forest management standard FSC®. FSC is a voluntary global system and the only forest certification that is widely supported by the environmental movement.

This is FSC®

  • FSC® is an independent international organisation for certification of responsible forestry. The aim is socially beneficial, environmentally appropriate and economically viable responsible forest management. FSC®’s logotype on products represents independent certification of forestry and product manufacturing according to FSC®’s rules.
  • Sveaskog’s logotype licence number FSC® C008344