Financial information

We issue financial reports quarterly and our annual report and sustainability report in March of each year.

1 April – 30 June 2024 

  • Net sales increased by 7 per cent to MSEK 2,224 (2,075). Timber prices increased by an average of 11 per cent, while delivery volumes decreased by 2 per cent. Other sales decreased by 2 per cent and are mainly attributable to concessions, saplings and other sales.
  • The average prices of deliveries from Sveaskog’s own forest increased by 20 per cent from the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
  • Operating profit increased by 11 per cent and amounted to MSEK 500 (449). Higher timber prices have been offset by increased costs for felling, forest management and nature conservation.
  • Share of profits of associates amounted to MSEK 5 (14).
  • The reported net change in value of standing timber amounted to MSEK 168 (–279).
  • Profit for the quarter amounted to MSEK 524 (121), equivalent to SEK 4.43 (1.03) per share.

Financial calendar

  • Interim report January-September 2024
  • Year-end report 2024