Map over our land holdings - wind power

Where in Sweden are Sveaskog’s land holdings located, and what is on them? This map tool makes it easy to see everything from our ecoparks and fishing waters to recreational woodlands, nature conservation areas and sites for wind power facilities.

Sveaskog’s land holdings are shown here, but due to our various land transactions, we cannot guarantee that the map is always 100 percent accurate. There may be some delay before land sales are recorded in the land registry and are thus updated in our databases. The map retrieves data from Sveaskog’s internal system, but for technical reasons, the accuracy of individual stands in the map cannot always be guaranteed.

NOTE: If you choose to highlight a layer on the map, you may need to zoom in a couple of times to make the area visible.

Dark red in the map under Nature Conservation categories means either key biotopes, land set aside in ecoparks or reserves owned by Sveaskog.